I'm a psychiatrist who's always had an interest in computers and IT. The past 5-8 years I've done an increasing amount of work in health care policy (via working on state and federal legislative efforts, professional society efforts, and on the Health Standards Committee at URAC) and in administration (asst dept chair at GBMC and dept chair at BWMC). Combining my interests in improving the quality of health care delivery (for mental health care as well as somatic) and in medical informatics just feels like a natural next phase in my career, so that's where I am heading (somehow).
The next series of posts will be my notes from the #hcsm (health care and social media) series of weekly Twitter chats, which is on Sunday nights from 9-10p ET, and is best viewed using Tweetchat. #HCSM is the brainchild of @danamlewis and @healthsocmed.
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