Hospitals in 2009 continued to have low CPOE adoption (Level 4), but they did manage to jump from 5.8% to 13.5% having CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry) from 2008 to 2009.
Looking at the HIMSS EMR Adoption Model trends, you can see how the 5000+ hospitals in the US are gradually moving up the electronic evolutionary ladder towards Level 7, which is full implementation of a completely interoperable, paperless, electronic medical record (note that HIMSS differentiates an "EMR" (within a single organization) from an "EHR", which it defines to specifically be a "subset of each care delivery organization's (CDO) EMR, ... owned by the patient and has patient input and access that spans episodes of care across multiple CDOs within a community, region, or state...").
It'll be interesting to see how the HITECH Act's financial incentives accelerates adoption of the higher levels (4 and up). Looking at the cumulative adoption percentages below, I'd expect Level 4 to take off in the same way that Level 3 has over the past several years. But that is the hardest transition to achieve due to the dramatic changes in physician workflow required. This is easier to achieve in hospitals where the majority of the physicians are employed by the hospital; however, physicians at most hospitals (especially community hospitals) are not employed, so these hospitals have less fortitude in requiring them to enter their own orders.

As a reminder, here are the definitions of the levels (from HIMSS):

Any guesses as to what the 2010 adoption numbers will be?